Is there a fee if I cancel my appointment?
Cancellation fees are charged for all appointments cancelled within 24 hours for all non-member appointments.
Will I need a primary care physician (PCP) if I am seeing Dr. Wells?
You will still need to see a primary care physician to care for your day to day health needs. Dr. Wells will concentrate on your health and the cascade of health related problems associated with excess weight.
Does Wells Medical Group Accept Health Insurance?
We do not file any form of insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. The most critical distinction in our model of care centers on a direct personal relationship between the patient & physician. That directness carries over to our business model. We forgo insurance payments in order to save our patients from the arbitrary, intrusive decisions that inevitably follow with third-party payers. This direct fee-for-services arrangement frees us from the typical contractual agreements that prevent physicians from offering reduced prices on laboratory tests & medications.
As A Patient Of Dr. Wells Will I Still Need Health Insurance?
Our clients should continue to carry insurance that will cover other medical needs.
If I Have Medicare Can I Still Come to Dr. Wells?
Yes. Wells Medical Group does not accept Medicare or Medicaid as payment.
We require you to sign a waiver acknowledging that you will not bill Medicare / Medicaid for services & medications provided or prescribed by Dr. Wells.
What Happens If I Need To Go To The Hospital Or See A Specialist?
When specialized care is required pertained to your weight loss Dr. Wells can refer you to a specialist in your network.
What If I Need Medical Attention & Cannot Come to the Clinic?
In the age of virtual communications - as long as you are an established patient of Dr. Wells, appointments can be done by phone or email from home or anywhere you are located.
Are My Medical Records Ever Shared With Insurance Carriers Or Pharmaceutical Companies?
We provide your records to a third party only at your request.
Is Concierge Medicine The Same As Direct Primary Care?
The terms are often used interchangeably and essentially refer to the same thing. Direct primary care is a healthcare model focused on putting the patient first. That means never rushing patients through appointments & being proactive with healthcare treatment plans. The doctor-patient relationship is just as the name suggests – direct. Direct primary care clinics do not accept insurance. They choose to work directly with the patient to provide high quality health care at a reduced costs. Dr. Wells will focus on your weight loss and weight management needs.
At Wells Medical Group our greatest ally is time. We are committed to your weight loss. Every appointment will be easy-going with absolute thoroughness. We will assist you with your needs in a relaxed atmosphere. As time go by we will build a comprehensive, intimate knowledge of your health with valuable understanding of your specific needs.
Is there a fee if I cancel my appointment?
Cancellation fees are charged for all appointments cancelled within 24 hours for all non-member appointments.
Will I need a primary care physician (PCP) if I am seeing Dr. Wells?
You will still need to see a primary care physician to care for your day to day health needs. Dr. Wells will concentrate on your health and the cascade of health related problems associated with excess weight.
Does Wells Medical Group Accept Health Insurance?
We do not file any form of insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. The most critical distinction in our model of care centers on a direct personal relationship between the patient & physician. That directness carries over to our business model. We forgo insurance payments in order to save our patients from the arbitrary, intrusive decisions that inevitably follow with third-party payers. This direct fee-for-services arrangement frees us from the typical contractual agreements that prevent physicians from offering reduced prices on laboratory tests & medications.
As A Patient Of Dr. Wells Will I Still Need Health Insurance?
Our clients should continue to carry insurance that will cover other medical needs.
If I Have Medicare Can I Still Come to Dr. Wells?
Yes. Wells Medical Group does not accept Medicare or Medicaid as payment.
We require you to sign a waiver acknowledging that you will not bill Medicare / Medicaid for services & medications provided or prescribed by Dr. Wells.
What Happens If I Need To Go To The Hospital Or See A Specialist?
When specialized care is required pertained to your weight loss Dr. Wells can refer you to a specialist in your network.
What If I Need Medical Attention & Cannot Come to the Clinic?
In the age of virtual communications - as long as you are an established patient of Dr. Wells, appointments can be done by phone or email from home or anywhere you are located.
Are My Medical Records Ever Shared With Insurance Carriers Or Pharmaceutical Companies?
We provide your records to a third party only at your request.
Is Concierge Medicine The Same As Direct Primary Care?
The terms are often used interchangeably and essentially refer to the same thing. Direct primary care is a healthcare model focused on putting the patient first. That means never rushing patients through appointments & being proactive with healthcare treatment plans. The doctor-patient relationship is just as the name suggests – direct. Direct primary care clinics do not accept insurance. They choose to work directly with the patient to provide high quality health care at a reduced costs. Dr. Wells will focus on your weight loss and weight management needs.
At Wells Medical Group our greatest ally is time. We are committed to your weight loss. Every appointment will be easy-going with absolute thoroughness. We will assist you with your needs in a relaxed atmosphere. As time go by we will build a comprehensive, intimate knowledge of your health with valuable understanding of your specific needs.